I think the first thing I really remember being enticed by in a locker room was a big bull ball nut sack swinging as a man walked by me. I was sitting on a bench at the end of the aisle. Face level with cock and balls. He turned the corner and started walking towards the shower. He had a big cock that seemed chubby, but his ball bag was so full of nuts that I could hear them hitting his thighs as he walked by me. “Fwop, fwop, fwop…” He saw the look on my face as he went by, but it didn’t seem to faze him. He positioned himself in a shower that I could see into. He knew I was enthralled with his package and he showed off in the shower for me. He soaped everything up in the warm water. He pulled his foreskin back to reveal a beautiful flared-out cock head, but it kept snapping back down. He soaped and lathered one big ball at a time, holding it up in one hand as he soaped it up with the other. He squeezes them together with one hand then the next, passing them back and forth as he cleaned them. He saw as I became hypnotized, unable to pull my eyes away as my boner grew without my knowledge. He rinsed off his cock and hairy nut sac and I realized he had become rock-hard. He stared at me as he pulled his foreskin back and forth over the fat head of his cock. After a few minutes, he shot a forceful load at the shower wall. (another first for me) I watched it dribble down the wall as I felt my pre cum dripping down my leg. He toweled off lightly as his sex organ went down. He walked by me again and this time he reached his big hand down and fingered up some of my pre cum and put it in his mouth with a big wide grin.
I’ve run into him a few more times in the locker room where he exposed himself and masturbated himself for me to watch.