Daddy Dave sent me a few pics of himself and his amazing penis. I asked him a few questions which he responded to. I love hearing from men about their penis’.

When did you know you had a large penis? How did that come about? When I was a freshman in high school I thought my penis was small after seeing all my other friends in the showers.
How did that make you feel then and how has that changed over time (if it has)?
They were so well hung. I was envious.
Has having a large penis affected how other people perceive you in either a positive or negative way?
I really thought I was average and not until I grew confidence in myself and my naked body did I realize I too was hung.
Has your large penis made it easier for you to access sexual partners?
Being comfortable in my skin and visiting nude resorts people seeing me often commented in a positive way
Do you think people know you have a large penis? Do they know because you in any way let it be known or is it evident to others in a non-sexual setting?
I don’t think people realize I have a big penis. It’s when they see me naked that reality sets in
What is your ‘relationship’ with your penis? Has your penis ever ‘ruled’ you as opposed to the other way around?
At the age of 65, I am proud and thankful to be able to perform as if I was twenty. I’m able to get rock hard without the use of any pills etc and my stamina is excellent
What’s your favorite thing about your penis?
I most like the fact that my penis is large and there’s plenty to play with when I edge
What would your penis say is its favorite thing to do?
I edge for 3 to 4 hours every day. My penis has a large head and thick shaft. Two-handed stroking is awesome
Does your penis have a name?
I do not have a name for my penis but I’m thankful to be so blessed
My penis’s favorite thing to do would be to edge for hours, being caressed, fondled, and in team spirit not to forget my balls
I enjoy being smooth and shaved. Some men think men do it to appear bigger, but I find that’s not the case. Men enjoy being smooth
From one penis lover to the next…thank you
Thanks for sharing Daddy Dave. I for one would love to be able to fondle your thick penis sometime. I think I’d name him Scout

Thanks for sharing your fat cock Daddy Dave! As an older man myself, it’s great to know we can all keep on getting great pleasure from our cocks
I loved this interview and reading it filled me with penis desire and took me deeper into penis consciousness- my favorite state of mind. A penis such as Daddy Dave’s fills me with awe, and I want to contemplate it in the flesh, talk to it for hours, pray to it wihile kneeling between his legs, and gratefully receiving communion from that fat penis knob should he be so inclined. Hail Penis.
Such a big, fat, erect piece of penis meat. It fills me with penis lust too. I love that you want to talk to his engorged manhood