About Scottbrian

Cock whore who enjoys all things Dick.

Cock Interviews – Kevin

I got an email from Kevin who said he would be interested in doing one of my cock interviews.

Of course, I said yes because I find them a fascinating look into a man’s psyche.

How we feel about our penis can say much about how we feel about ourselves.

I rarely find someone so willing to put some real thought into this exercise, so I thank Kevin for participating and for letting us in on his thoughts about his cock and letting us see a really spectacular specimen of a penis. Enjoy reading about and seeing Kevin’s penis.

Thanks Kevin!

1 When did you first know you had a large penis? How did you find out?

I’ve known I was well above average since I was fairly young, I was in 7th grade when I basically confirmed it. I was in math class when my classmate started bragging to his friends that his dick reaches his belly button when he lays it on his stomach, typical middle school nonsense talk. One of the girls in class called him out, basically telling him to shut up because his dick would have to be huge for that to be true. So he backed down pretty quick. But it didn’t seem that strange to me at the time so I went home that day and checked for myself. Sure enough laying my dick on my stomach, I could not only reach but go past my belly button fairly easily. Then of course being the teenage detective I was, I go online and do in fact notice that my dick tends to be bigger than most guys.

Kind of related to this question. But I was also a bit of a late bloomer as well, so I kinda found out again when I was 19. Over the course of about three months, I grew an inch in height and a little more than that in dick length. It’s something I’ve always been curious about, whether other guys who are well endowed have had a similar experience.

2 Have there been times when a person’s attitude toward you changed when they found out you have a large penis?

Yea, men in particular tend to become significantly more submissive towards me once they find out or see it. And I mean ALL men, even straight guys who have no intention or desire to do anything sexual with me will usually start treating me with more respect (in a very physical way especially, moving out of my way etc), they’ll have noticeably less direct eye contact, heads down, if they have girlfriends or wives they will be more protective of them or at least never leave me alone with them. It’s more subtle than I make it sound but it’s a strange effect at times, my friends even notice. It’s especially odd since I’m otherwise a pretty small guy, short and thin, I also have never tried to hide that I’m mostly gay-leaning and into men as well. It’s permanently changed some of my friendships in ways I don’t like, so I’ve become more selective as I’ve aged about who I tell or let figure out.

3 Has your large penis ever embarrassed you? How and when

Yes, but not really due to the size. Porn growing up was still pretty white-guy dominated, it was kind of the golden age of SeanCody, Corbinfisher, Randyblue, etc. Every guy was this tall, jacked, blonde, blue eyed guy, usually with a circumcised penis. And the few times it wasn’t a white guy, it was usually a not-so-attractive guy, looking back the casting directors clearly only were really looking for one type, but my teenage mind couldn’t make that distinction. I know this part sounds crazy but I spent literal years watching and jacking off to those sites before it finally hit me that I didn’t look like that, my penis didn’t look like that, I was brown and my penis was brown and uncut. I’m not sure embarrassed is the right word, more like shame, I remember wishing I looked like the guys in porn because I didn’t think anyone would ever find me or my penis attractive. It was a pretty big hit to my self-esteem. It also didn’t help that (to this day) often you hear women in movies and television shows talk about how gross uncircumcised penises are.

Also talking about it is embarrassing, I just don’t love talking about being huge as ironic as that is. There’s basically no way to do it without it just sounding like bragging. But on the other hand I do like talking about it haha, in that a lot of people are genuinely curious and I like answering questions about my experiences. I think especially because I’m just a guy haha, pretty normal I feel, sometimes people have some wild theories about what it must be like.

4 Has your penis ever gotten you in trouble? How and when

Nothing serious, but I think people often mistake my flaccid dick for being erect, which has led to more guys than I can count at this point who have tried to grab me while I’m pissing at urinals and such. I’ve made a couple of exceptions before and let some guys play with me, but for the most part it’s not something I’m cool with. I know it sounds really prude but some guys really have absolutely no shame, like their families and kids and shit are just outside the door kind of thing and they’re in here trying to get dick.

I also had an almost-issue at work once. We put on a small event each year and part of that event is a dunking booth. NO ONE wants to do the dunking booth (I have no idea why they still do it every year), so the dunkee is swapped yearly. They can’t legally force you to do it, but the pressure is so high, and if you don’t, you basically get blacklisted from all future events and are continuously given “hell” assignments, basically they do everything they can to make your life a living hell, hoping you will quit. So it was my turn to be the dunkee a couple years back, and I knew, I couldn’t or at least shouldn’t do it. I can pretty easily hide my bulge, but not so much when I’m soaking wet, and there are mostly kids at this thing-so not a good thing. I go to my boss several times and she keeps denying my request to get out of it, I need an actual reason. So about a week out from it, I schedule a meeting and ask her for confidentiality, remind her I’m gay-the whole 9 yards, I was absolutely terrified, convinced I was going to get fired, but I ended up telling her in the most vague way possible “I will show too much if I get wet, it would be inappropriate”, she counters, annoyed, with something like  “women do it, you’ll be fine”. So I ended up standing up and tugging on my pant legs from the back to show a really obvious bulge. She thankfully found it hilarious but agreed it would be inappropriate, I officially have the world’s vaguest medical condition that prevents me from participating according to my job.

5 Are you proud of your penis? Do you use it as an advertisement to get women to have sex with you?

Not sure I would say I’m proud as I was just born like this, but I love my dick, I really don’t think there’s anything I would change it for. Others have advertised on my behalf way more than I ever have, so on hookup apps and such I’ll often get asked if “I’m the guy with the monster cock” or something along those lines, word gets around, usually pretty quickly. It’s nice, I’ve never had difficulty hooking up and I feel like it lets me sleep with people WAY out of my league pretty regularly, not that I think I’m ugly, but I’ve fucked some absolute 10s that I just don’t feel would have given me a second look if it wasn’t for my dick. Also I’d say men are way more interested in size than women are, there’s a small niche of women that are really turned on by huge guys but I think for a lot of them they could take it or leave it.

6 Is your large penis ever a hindrance to having the kind of sex you want to have?

Nothing I’m not used to at this point in my life, but yes of course, it’s largely dependent on who my partner is however. Just some obvious ones… I’ve never been deep-throated before, but this is kind of my own fault, I don’t find it all that pleasurable to have my shaft sucked in general and a lot of guys get overly enthusiastic blowing me and try to just cram me in their mouth which can really hurt. A lot of teeth – sometimes bleeding on my end – no bueno. I’ve been with a few size queens who said they’d be able to deepthroat me but I ended up being too much for them. That said, I know there are guys out there that can do it, I’ve talked to some guys online who specialize in blowing massive guys, I just don’t happen to live near any of them at the moment. I even had the opportunity when I was younger, but I was picky and wasn’t physically attracted to them or they were older etc. Now, I wouldn’t care at this point in my life, I’d like to just experience it once.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it a hindrance. But for any straight guys concerned about their size, here’s some good news, you don’t need a lot of length to satisfy your girl. In my experience, most women bottom out with just 4-6 inches, sometimes even less. Despite what you might see or read online, no woman in her right mind enjoys having her cervix pounded, it’s never been something anyone has told me feels good. Honestly, I think some men do it more for their own ego, as if causing their girl discomfort or pain somehow proves to themselves they have a big dick. In reality, girth is what makes the difference. It’s your girth stretching her out where the mix of pain and pleasure comes in. When it comes to actually pleasing a woman, excessive length is more for show since most women simply aren’t built to accommodate that much.

7. Do you have a strong libido? 

I was a bit of a sex-fiend in my 20s, but I’d say I’ve mellowed out a lot, it’s fairly average nowadays.

8 Do you cum in large amounts in keeping with the bull stud penis you have?

Unfortunately no, I cum fairly average amounts, I can get a decent load built up if I edge for a while, but I’ve always been a bit jealous of the guys who can cum buckets every time.

9 Do you ever show off your penis in situations that might be considered ‘inappropriate’? Are you an exhibitionist?

Not really anymore, can’t be too much of an exhibitionist due to my job. If I’m out of town I’m more likely to have some fun, particularly if I’m with friends. I do on occasion like to freak random people out if they’re looking my way for a particularly long time. Think like… on the bus or plane, or at a theater before the show starts, I might try and pop boner and I’ll pull my pants tight so they can see a clear outline, it’s fun when it’s like clearly very rigid straight-laced middle aged moms and shit haha. Stupid shit like that.

10. Is there even a way you can hide your large member?

Looks like a great milking position

Yes, I really have never found it too difficult at all. I think this is one of those things that guys who wish they were hung imagine having a big dick is like. I’ve found it’s common for people to make up fantasies about getting checked by customs at airports or just bulges showing while shopping or working out or some  other mundane activity. Statistically speaking, I’m bigger, completely flaccid, than 99% of the population is erect, if I’m not having a problem hiding my bulge I really don’t feel most of these guys are having a problem either.

One thing I do that might be a bit different is buy dedicated work underwear,  some boxer-briefs with strong elasticity. The key to avoiding a visible bulge is making sure everything stays in place. I usually get a new pack for work at the start of each year. Honestly, I don’t even think it’s necessary, but I’ve always done it as a precaution and for peace of mind.

11. Do you find people staring at your bulge?

Not unless I want them to, like I said it isn’t too difficult to hide. I’d say the few times it’s happened I’ve been asleep and told about it after the fact.

12 Are you kinky and do you think that has anything to do with your large cock?

I’m fairly vanilla normally, I am a bit of a sadist but I think you pretty much have to be when you’re my size. Bottoming is usually pretty painful for my partners so I’ve learned to get off on it to a degree. My favorite thing is really just to cuddle up with someone and slowly fuck them while I kiss them. Everyone has a different whimper or moan, so it’s hot just to find out how someone is gonna react to me rearranging their insides :).

I am an Intactivist, and I am so glad that Kevin was able to avoid the knife. You can tell by the smooth pink head that it is protected. The frenulum has more nerve endings than any other part of the human body and is beautiful and fun to lick

13 Do you have a name for your cock?


14 Does your large cock ever ‘rule’ your life?

Not really, I’ve done things I’m not proud of to past partners, but I’ve grown as a person since then. (I may have misunderstood this question btw)

(No wrong answers, Kevin… , Scott)

15 What’s the best thing about having such a big cock?

I’m a people pleaser and massive dick fantasies are so incredibly common and almost always unfulfilled, so I love being able to do that for my partners. Particularly gay guys, it’s hot to see their reactions, you haven’t seen a truly happy man until you’ve seen a gay man get to play with an enormous penis for the first time haha. And kind of to add to that I love being as massive as I am. I’ve never not dwarfed my partners, even guys who are “huge” at like 8 inches or so, it’s never really even close. Hell, I’ve only had a handful of partners that were bigger erect than I am soft. So ya, it’s just nice having something pretty much every guy wishes they had.

16 What’s the worst thing – if there is a down side

There’s definitely downsides. You deal with them as they come. It can be frustrating when you’re with an crazy, sexy guy who just can’t handle your size. Recently, I had an experience where a guy was struggling just to get the tip inside, and he was nearly in tears just doing that. It’s one of those moments where I mostly just lie there, we are able to kiss and make out, but thrusting becomes impossible because of how much he’s struggling or worried I’m gonna hurt him. Everyone always wants to yell more lube and go slow, but the reality is that these aren’t magic solutions, ecstasy and poppers ARE basically magic, but I never pressure anyone into substances, it’s on them whether they choose to do so.

Another one that’s indirectly part of being so big is how sore my bottoms get. Newer hookups especially usually need several days for their holes to recover, and that first shit the day after is uhhh… not great. I’ve heard some rough sounding screams of pain before from dudes the day after, I feel guilty sometimes.

17 Has anyone ever seen your cock and said ‘no chance in hell’?

I would classify Kevin’s cock as a perfect throat plunger… if it can be fit. The downward curve is a cocksucker’s dream

I’ve never had anyone not at least attempt to take me. But I have had a couple people who legit just could not take any of it in any capacity. No head, no anal, no whatever, physically just would not fit anywhere.

18 Do other men ( not just gay men) seem to be interested in your cock? Do they ever want you to fuck their wives?

Yea! Straight men are extremely fascinated and curious as long as they’re speaking confidentially to me. I’ve discussed my dick and penises in general with straight men probably more than I have with gay men. I think it’s kind of cute to be honest. I have been asked by guys to fuck their wives on a few occassions. And I’ve even done it before but just once and it was a bit of a special situation, I was already good friends with both him and his wife, and I had already slept with both of them previously.

19 Do you like to spend alone time with your cock? What’s that relationship like between you and your cock?

Doesn’t everyone like spending time with their cock? My relationship is pretty good! He pulls his own weight, helped me pay my way through school and rent for a few years, he still brings in a small passive income, he makes pretty much everyone he meets happy, I can’t complain. 

I like having all the extra shaft room to stroke too, I’m not a size queen myself but my god the one handed furious stroking just isn’t for me guys, or worse the 2-3 finger guys, I’m sorry. It’s one of those things I think is undeniably better when you’re bigger, it’s a lot funner stroking me over an average sized dude. It even has its own intimate aspect since there’s room for me to help my partners jerk me off, turns into a group optional activity haha.

20 How has your attitude about your cock changed over the years?

I feel like I’ve become a lot more relaxed about it. I know I’m big but I don’t really need any validation. I think in my 20s I was always wanting to kind of flex my size to my partners or watch their reactions to seeing it and getting fucked by me. Now I just really want to make my partners feel good, I’ve moved away from a “let me try to cram as much of my dick in your ass as I possibly can” approach to more of just “take what you need to make you feel good, if you want or need more, it’s there.”

21  Is bigger better?

It’s largely dependent on the individual, the biggest turn on for most of my partners is pretty clearly the mindfuck and not so much any physical sensation. Kind of the most extreme example I can personally think of, but I hooked up with this cute dude once, we do some foreplay, kissing, he sucks me off for a bit and then I stick my dick in his ass and no joke probably got 4 or 5 little mini thrusts in and he moans hella loud and gives the ole “holy fuck thats a fucking monster cock in my ass”. Guy came so hard and hands free that it sounded like a super soaker water gun hitting the bed. Obviously it wasn’t because my dick felt so good, I had barely done anything he was just really turned on by the size of my dick.

I’ve been told by several partners before that I’ve been the best sex they’ve ever had too. One recurring thing in my life however is that every long time partner I’ve ever had has subtly let me know at one point or another that they wish casual sex with me wasn’t so difficult, it’s a lot of prep on their part, deeper cleaning than is normal, etc. Makes quick morning sex and such pretty non-existent.

22 Are there any stereotypes or habits about big dicks that you feel are definitely true?

I have to hold my dick when I pee haha, it was weird when I learned not all guys do it, pretty instinctual for me even from a very young age.

It’s difficult for me to stay fully hard, I really have no clue if this is a size thing or just an age thing. But it’s a lot harder for me to stay rock hard when it’s just me playing with myself, if I’m with someone then it’s no problem, but just jacking off I sometimes feel like I’m jacking a giant loofah.

The veins look like fun to tongue

I want to thank Kevin for his thoughtful replies to my questions about his cock, and sharing pics of his beautiful specimen.

I find it fascinating to hear about how a man’s penis has and has not shaped him as a man.

Thanks again, Kevin!

If you have any questions for Kevin, send them to me or comment here.

Or, if you would like to featured in a Cock Interview, send me an email at scottbrian097@scottbrian