About Scottbrian

Cock whore who enjoys all things Dick.

Member Submit

Always love getting members’ cock submits for my blog. You can send me your cock pics for display here at scott_brian_097@gmail.com (but you have to take out the “_” underscores in the email address. This helps me weed out bots and fakes.

Thanks for the fat, veiny cock man!

My First Bookstore Trip

I was about 18 and I stopped into a weird little bookstore on a mostly empty highway in Northern Illinois. I had always noticed that there seemed to be no reason for cars all around it. I finally got up the courage to stop in to see what was going on. Being young (and if I do say so myself, a really hot 18-year-old), there was a bit of buzz around me as I perused the bookshelves of porn and toys. I also noticed a walkway that led back and around the cashier area with little rooms and men standing around grabbing their crotches. I was honestly confused by this part. It was a bit too much for me so I just stayed out in the main area looking around. A man who was about 25 or so in a trench coat(for real) walked behind me and grabbed my ass with both hands and gave it a big firm squeeze. It startled me. I got hard. he walked towards the door and kept looking back at me as if to tell me to follow him. I did and as I got in my car he opened the passenger side door and got in. I was like… Ummm. and he immediately told me he knew a place we could go to play around. We drove around until he told me to park. It was in front of a regular house, but it was very late. He pulled his big dick out and asked me if I wanted to suck it. I was making my way to it and he grabbed the back of my head and pushed it down on his cock. I began sucking like I had known how to, and had been doing it my whole life. In a matter of a few minutes after saying that he wouldn’t cum in my mouth, he came in my mouth. I drove him back to the bookstore and I left.

Blow Buddies Closes Permanently


I’m so sad to learn that Blow Buddies in San Francisco has closed for good. Here is a story about it from the LeatherDistrict website: Blow Buddies Closes Permanently

I have many fond memories of Blow Buddies from my first trip to San Francisco in the early 90’s to about a month before they closed. I was newly out and I had hung my hat on the idea that oral sex was safer than anal sex during the biggest downer in my life… AIDS. At some level of my awareness, I decided that if I couldn’t suck cock, then I’m not really sure I wanted to stick around anyway. Yes, that sounds a bit hyperbolic, but it’s true. So as a homage to the Disneyland of Cocksucking, here are some cocksucking pics that remind me of going to Blow Buddies.

Cocksucker heaven
Toilet sex
Waiting on a cocksucker
Reaching up for the phallus
Museum piece cock
Always a big set of nuts around to handle