About Scottbrian

Cock whore who enjoys all things Dick.

Cock Proud


Shorts Shower

Shorts Shower

No man ever had his cock slip out of his shorts without knowing it.
If you see a man with a nut out in the breeze, it’s there for you to see.
Give him the pleasure of silently letting him know how much you appreciate seeing his proud heavy sperm tanks in the noonday sun.

Fat Daddy Suit Bulge

Fat Daddy Suit Bulge

Garg – My Hairy Man


Garg - My Hairy Man

Garg – My Hairy Man

Every man has a hairy man. Robert Bly wrote of the hairy man in his book “Iron John.” Soon after reading this book, I was visited by my hairy man in a dream. I was inspecting 18-wheelers in a truck yard. I went into one of the buildings to have a cup of coffee and he suddenly appeared. His body was very large, in a pair of bib overalls with a thick hairy chest and a huge package, but it was clear that he could morph himself into anything that he wanted, with or without hair. With each breath, he took, his entire body would enlarge and contract. His head was at first very large and then much too small for his body. Sometimes with a big head of hair, other times bald. The one real constant was his huge crooked tooth smile. A knowing smile that was at once frightening and comforting. Comforting because my hairy man is no stranger. He is very much who I am without all the ridiculous notions of masculinity placed on men by this sexually (and otherwise) repressive society. All at once, with that same shit-eating grin, he unzipped his pants and a giant penis came telescoping out at me. I was pushed down and completely immobilized by his cock on my chest which had pressed me down on the couch. He had my attention now. He told me that he was surprised to see me without a cock in my mouth, and proceeded to stuff his down my throat. He laughed and bellowed the whole time.

Cum Eating Cock Whore

Cum Eating Cock Whore

He told me that I should always be ready to suck a fat cock and that my mouth should always be ready to swallow him. It may seem from some of my writing that I believe all men are gay. I do not believe that, but I do believe that if you take away the societal pressure all men will experiment with other men. The same goes for women. Your hairy man is the man inside you that has no ties to society. He doesn’t care what your mother may think, or your neighbor, or your wife or husband. He doesn’t care how your sexual adventures will affect your career or your future, or your religious life. He’s just the man inside all men who does who and what he wants when he wants. Sometimes he is you, sometimes he is the person you have hooked up with. sometimes he’s the hot construction worker that you drive by on a summer day and then think about the rest of the week, sometimes he’s the dildo up your ass, other times he’s the crabs crawling around on your nut sack.

Bull Balls Sperm Tanks

Bull Balls Sperm Tanks

No matter what form he’s taking… he’s enjoying himself. You might as well too. Travel along with Garg… my Hairy Man, and me. Sometimes he’ll get me in trouble. Sometimes he’ll just spout something off from his soapbox. But all and all, he’s a lot of fun to have at a party.

Deliberate Indifference


Deliberate Indifference

Deliberate Indifference

I had a friend when I was a kid who was just a horny mother fucker. In math class, he used to pull his developmentally advanced phallus out and draw smilley faces on the fat head and shake it at me.
Later as a teenager, he would jack off in the shower, never worring about what the others would think because he knew he was the alpha man. He’d just stand there with a raging donger as others looked and mentally drooled over his fat meat.
I just looked on in awe and lust knowing that he would be feeding me that pipe later in the day. We’d go to a forest preserve and he’d whip out his dick for me to play with and suck on. Eventually, he’d stuff it up my ass and fill me with his jizz. After he would usually stand there with spunk dripping out his dick and just piss wherever he was, letting the spray fly around. He’d turn to look at something and piss all over me without any concern as to where the piss was flying,
He was an amazing man who understood his sexuality and how it affected others and he used that.
He was, as long as I knew him, Deliberately Indifferent.

Want to Watch Me Piss?

Want to Watch Me Piss?

Not Every Man Likes To Get His Dick Sucked


Suck Off

suck Off

As a cocksucker, it’s very frustrating to connect with some hot fucking dude only to find out he really doesn’t like to have his dick sucked. Sometimes men just haven’t ever had a really good dick-sucking to know if they like it or not (a challenge indeed). Maybe they are just so into fucking asses that anything else is just a distraction. One man, I talked to told me that oral sex isn’t even sex… just a small part of foreplay, maybe. Or, other times, you just run into another cocksucker. I won’t say that as a cocksucker I don’t like having my dick sucked, but I rarely do because I know there’s a dick that could be in my mouth just a couple of feet away.
Even the men who really do like having their cock sucked very often like it for a while and then want to move on to other things. But a true cocksucker wants and needs to follow through to completion and get that beautiful sticky load down their throat, on their face, tongue, or wherever, and get those accolades from the man about what a great cocksucker he is.

Cocksucker doing his job

Cocksucker doing his job

I like some balance, so usually, I suck for a while and if he’s grabbing at my hole and getting me worked up that way, I turn around and spread it open for him.
But sometimes, you find the man who likes nothing more than having a talented cocksucker down between his legs going at it for as long as it takes to get the job done. I’m not talking about a man who lays back and is absent. Verbal encouragement, moans, filthy words spitting out his mouth as you keep stuffing his dick in your throat. specific instructions about where he wants your tongue or how long he wants his swollen cock to stay parked in your throat. It’s all good. I’m partial to being instructed to keep looking his eyes as my throat envelopes his fat donger, or a well times spit in my face or being told to say, “I’m a faggot cocksucker” while my throat is full of dick. It’s heaven really.



So, be sure to hold on to the man who really wants you to go from start to finish with his dick in your mouth. They’re rarer than you might think.