My Favorite Dungeon Home


In my travels to San Francisco over the years, I have found myself in many locations or situations that have been lust filled and sexually mind-expanding. But, there is one place that holds a huge place in my mind (and ass and mouth, etc…). That place is the 14th Street house, or the Fairy house, or one of many names associated with it because so many different people and groups have called it their own. 

The 14th Street House

Did I mention it was right next to a church?

You may have been there yourself if you have been exploring SF for any length of time. I’ve been told that it was the longest-running (non-continuous) sex party in San Francisco’s history. That’s quite a claim in a city like SF, but one that holds up.

I won’t talk about who owned the house or mention any names at all to keep everyone’s privacy under their own control.

But I will show you my favorite part of the house… the Dungeon. A dungeon is a bit of a scary word to describe it actually. It was more like an adult playground.

The portal to your wildest desires

The portal to your wildest desires

My association with the 14th Street house started with a long overdue trip to the Hole in the Wall Saloon in SOMA. Another of my favorite places for debauchery, lust, and general grab-ass good time. As I often do, I met a really hot and interesting man there and after some conversation and general groping, I went home with him. 

In the dark of the SF night, I saw the house as another colorful Victorian home that I knew I could never afford. We climbed the stairs and went directly to the back bedroom for the rest of the night (a very enjoyable and mouth-watering night indeed).

When I woke up in the morning, I wandered out in the light of day to find the bathroom. What I found left me wondering if I had died and awoke in a Penis Art Museum. There were paintings of cocks, sculptures of cocks, murals of cocks, photos of beautiful naked men, funny depictions of horse-hung men with their cocks flung over their shoulders… you name it, your eyes could feast on it.

Penis Shelves

Walls of Penis sculptures. One of them went up my ass one night, but I won’t say which one.

The man who brought me home with him woke and made us a wonderful glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and we sat down and talked about the house and its history.

Then he took me on a tour and that’s when I was introduced to the basement. Most walls were decorated with some flavor of homoerotic art. Some of it was more formal and some seemed more like graffiti. all of it made my dick start to stiffen, and this was with it all stored away waiting for the next party.


Bad Boy Cage

Slinging Ass

Slinging Ass

Comfy Jail Cell

Comfy Jail Cell



Glory Holes

Glory Holes


Pissing with the Hot Art Around You

Dank Halls

Dank Halls lead you to your next encounter

Warm Corner

Places everywhere to relax and watch or join in

Some of the parties I have been there for are wide and diverse… Mikes on Bikes during Gay Pride weekend, Radical Faeries gatherings, Naked Yoga, full Moon Chanting events, Foot Fetish Party, and just general spontaneous happenings during regular holidays.

I’m sad to say that the house has been sold after an almost 25-year run of partying and sex-positive queer/gay events, but I’m glad I got to be a part of it in a small way before its end.

I will continue to mine my brain for stories that I remember from the 14th Street house and share them here.


Entrap a Cocksucker


How to Entrap a Cocksucker

How to Entrap a Cocksucker

I’ve recently moved to San Francisco because I’m a faggot cocksucker who likes to be in a n inviting sexually charged city.
I’ve been going to a love drawing group and it has been stoking my creative juices. here’s a drawing I did at Wicked Grounds Coffee Shop. A kink-themed coffee shop. You won’t find that in Peoria.

Man Smells


Smell. I’m always astonished that this even needs to be said. Body odor is good. Of course, every smell is not good for every person, but that’s the point. How someone smells is probably the best indicator of whether or two people are going to hit it off. Some guys like it more raunchy and deep, and some like it a bit cleaner, but no matter what your taste, perfume, and deodorant are never helpful in sniffing out the situation. We are animals with a very long past evolutionary history. We developed learning to assess a situation by smell. My first partner told me that he picked all his partners by smell. At the time that seemed new to me, but now I can tell exactly what he meant. A smell can convey so much about a person… mood, health, sexual readiness… not to mention good old-fashioned horniness. A person will smell differently if they are anxious or relaxed, happy or sad, stressed or relaxed, and the list goes on.

Don’t get me wrong, cleanliness has its place, but this current trend (especially among young men) of spraying that ridiculous Ax body spray all over is completely at odds with the goal of getting laid. It covers up your natural body odor to the point that you may as well be impotent. I guess straight men think women like it because they often wear that crap too. We are all such victims of marketing. It wasn’t until advertising agencies told us that we all stank that we started obsessively scrubbing our skin raw in the interest of hygiene. It has had the opposite effect. Obsessive showering and scrubbing with soaps and perfumes have caused many skin ailments over the years. To counter all those skin ailments, they then started to sell us all kinds of drugs to ‘fix’ the problem.

this is not just a gay thing. Straight men can tell by the smell of a woman if she is receptive or not.

I tend to go to bars where detectable perfumes are not allowed. It’s pretty funny to see some guy try to go to a bar where real men hang out only to be told that they smell like a girl, so they can’t come inside. that’s usually all it takes to break them of that perfume habit. the other thing that can break someone of the deodorant and perfume habit is experiencing a really good ‘pit job. If you never had someone take some time to lick your pits, you don’t know what you’re missing. It’s great whether you are the one getting the pit job or giving one, but I can tell you this… if you get a mouthful of aluminum, the first lick will be the last.

So give it a break! try taking a whole weekend without taking a shower… wow, a whole two days without a shower. Let your body odor attract the person who is right for you. You may be surprised at how well it works.

I guess it bears repeating that I’m not talking about good basic hygiene. I mean, if you smell like shit that’s a different issue. Or, if you don’t brush and floss your teeth, I doubt many people will want to be around you.

For the love of God… even if you have to take a shower every day, throw that fucking perfume away and save the deodorant for that big job interview or the big company meeting and let people get a whiff of your natural manly smell!